Individuals | 100-Day Supply Drive to Serve Native Americans — #NativePartnerHOPE

Join the #NativePartnerHOPE Supply Drive Challenge!

100-Day Supply Drive to Serve Native Americans #NativePartnerHOPE
Partnership With Native Americans (PWNA) is a BBB-accredited charity that provides food, water, health products, education services and emergency relief for Native American Elders, families and children in need through our Northern Plains and Southwest reservation aid programs. In addition, we help animal welfare partners rescue hungry or injured animals and stop the spread of disease through our reservation animal rescue program.

PWNA cares about quality of life for Native Americans and respects their self-determined goals for their tribes. The only Native-serving charity to assist 60 U.S. reservations year-round, PWNA provides consistent aid and services for Native Americans with the highest need in the U.S.

The NativePartnerHOPE supply drive will help us get needed products to the reservations, but we cannot do it alone.

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